
Turngemeinschaft Römerstadt e.V.

Frankfurt am Main

Vereinsfusion mit der TSG Nordwest
Die Turngemeinschaft Römerstadt e.V. war von 1950 - 2021 ein Breitensportverein aus dem Nord-Westen von Frankfurt. Von einigen Wettkampfmannschaften im Bereich Volleyball abgesehen, war er ein Gesundheits- und Breitensportverein.
Mit Fusion vom 01.01.2022 sind alle Sportangebote in der TSG Nordwest 1898 e.V. aufgegangen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter


TV Killer`s against USA

English for runaways oder ein Bericht darüber wie unsere Mixer sich in einem Freundschaftsspiel gegen eine US-Armee Mixed-Mannschaft schlugen.

20.04.2010 - Volleyball (Nnn) The report started at the army-gate in Wiesbaden Erbenheim. The first question from the guard at the gate: "You are the sponsors? In my brain was the answer: "No, we are the volleyball-champions of the world and we will smash down the american team", but the answer from stefan was much better: "No we search one!", funny. I think we didn`t understand the question. The guard rolled with the eyes, took our passports and let us in.

Jamie, the contact of the american-team, showed us the gym. This was in american-style. great, big, beautifull. We went to the locker room and made us locker. Some of our team had "muscletomcat" from the two hard league-games on the weekend. Before the game started, we were playing with white balls to warm up. Brrrrrrr, like our 80`tes Tournament at 16. Mai. We arrived with 11 players (7 females and 4 men) and 1 referee and played sometimes with 4 women on the field. We were not afraid of the army team, because they more less then us. The army-team looked like not strong enough for us and of course, we lost the first set. Many own errors and much rolleyes from me, but "we wanne have fun!" and "we want more!". We had played then in many different formations and won and lost sets. The army team was fighting, with a positive spirit and the game was going on with a good middle level. i think all had fun and the army-team was very nice.

unfortunately we had to leave quickly after the game the gym, so we didn`t have time for an cultural exchange. but we tried to fix another game in July, with barbecue and beers!

I hope all can translate this peep-peep-peep english. for questions u can ask or write even a better article :-))


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